
The Most Popular Music Podcasts

People listen to music all the time — while working, exercising, walking, driving, or even sleeping – basically, all the time. Hundreds of different music genres and millions of songs are only a few clicks away. The technology we have nowadays allows us to listen to our favorite songs and create unique playlists whenever we desire.

Although listening to music can help with a lot of things, it isn’t a bad idea to take a break from it every once in a while. Whether you are pursuing a music-related career or learning more about the industry is something you enjoy, music podcasts are a great source of information, fun and entertainment. There are different types of podcasts out there, and it’s recommended to devote a little bit of time to each one before picking a favorite.


Hosted by Cole Cuchna, Dissect is one of the most reputable and beloved music podcasts at the moment. The host picks hip-hop albums that fans described as “genius” and truly dissects the entire album or an individual song to figure out why it was labeled as “genius” by the community. You can go back and listen what he had to say about Lamar’s “To Pimp A Butterfly” or Kanye’s “My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy”. His goal is to teach the fans how and why they should respect hip-hop music and artists.


If you would like to try out a different format than the Dissect one, then Disgraceland might be a perfect choice. The host, Jake Brennan, talks about the most controversial stories from the show business industry. Some of the most interesting were John Lennon’s murder and Rick James’ involvement in criminal activities. The way Jake tells the stories will make you listen to these podcasts without a pause for hours. Prepare to get sucked into the twisted world of Disgraceland as you will most likely end up binging a couple of episodes before making a break.


This podcast is also about hip-hop music and the fact that Jon Caramanica, the host, discusses the topic. Although it praises this particular genre, it also focuses on the most recent releases and talks about trends in hip-hop. On the other hand, you will hear Jon talk about modern jazz, A Star Is Born, and other trends in the music industry that are not exclusively rap related.

Questlove Supreme

If you have to guess who hosts this show, whom would you suggest? That’s right, Questlove himself. If that’s not enough to draw your attention, there’s nothing else that could make you listen to the podcast, apart from big names Questlove regularly brings to his show. During his career, he has talked to some of the most popular people in the show business industry, such as Chris Rock and Randy Jackson. Even when he’s alone in the show, you’ll certainly hear something interesting and learn something new due to Questlove’s successful music career and decades of experience.

Honorable Mentions

As there are hundreds of music podcasts worth listening to, it would take years to write about each and every one. Besides the four we have covered in this article, here are a few more podcasts you might enjoy: